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No backyard chicken flock is complete without an ISA Brown or two. They are

known for being a low maintenance and friendly breed, and famed for their plentiful supply of big, brown eggs! This all-rounder breed is great for first time chicken keepers, especially those who are after an eggs-traordinary layer, but will also make a wonderful addition to a more experienced chicken keepers flock. Also make great family pets, as they take to humans very well- even the littlies as they aren’t easily spooked or stressed.


All layers have been raised on all natural GMO free and organic feed and are ready to lay. Hens will lay eggs for 2 year or longer!

Laying Hens- ISA Brown- 21 weeks old

SKU: 0010
Excluding GST/HST
Out of Stock
  • Laying hens are $25 each and  must be prepaid before pick up date. Please pay online when ordering with credit card or you can etransfer to 

    If you order 20 laying hens or more a discount will automatically be applied. ($24 each)  

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